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NICU Diary Day 38

Updated: Jan 14, 2019

Monday, November 13, 2000

I am continuing to do well with my marathon sprints on the ventilator. The doctors and respiratory therapists, however, are in disagreement over the strategy for weaning. They're reassessing the plan tomorrow morning. Also, my heart rate is high, and I'm showing signs of being anemic. This is typical for little preemie guys like me.

Mom and Dad are fighting for a consultation with the Chief of Pediatric Orthopedics. They want more of an explanation about my c-spine and what the plan is. It's frustrating, and they think the neonatal docs are taking too much of a backseat!

My neighbors Mike and Lisa came by to visit this evening. They haven't seen me since I was about a day old, so I looked a lot different. Mike and Lisa help us out a lot by taking care of Divot. I can’t wait to get home and protect my toys from him. I've heard he really likes to chew on stuff!


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